ram sita best

A routine visit to a place of worship could be meaningless in uplifting us spiritually and yet we make those visits imagining that by so doing we may receive grace. Some look for signs during such visits that their prayers have been answered – kind of demand and receive – I offer my prayers, now your turn, fulfill my wishes. I am sure divinity if present there remains unmoved while we continue with the rituals hoping for results. Only some go to such places for communion without expectations, which should be the only reason for such a visit.

My poem bringing this out:


                  T  E  M  P  L  E


Temple bells toll,


Butter heavy burning wicks,

And sweet insense,

Make hesitant hands fold

Against the fact of stoic idols

Of marble and gold.


A rose falls to the joy of a wish granted,

Someone stands in the corner and weeps;

The lamp glows in understanding,

The haze of insense as it wafts afreah

Shows the marble smile grow subtle,

Meaningful, promising.


People finger the engraven figures

Of marble,

Finger their doubts and hope

Against hope;

Wide eyed they wander,



While the misunderstood idol

Of marble and gold

Turns to stone.


Then from across,

A little girl’s song

To herself

Shakes the temple walls

With a presence

And no rose falls.