Pakistan_schoolgirlsThe snow capped peaks,

Pine laden hills,

And flowing streams

Percolate into

Scarf clad schoolgirls

In clusters of white, yellow and indigo

And contrasting tunics

Like poppies in the park,

Demure, self -reliant, radiant,

Holding hands together.


When I look

Islam stares back,

With its strict code

Of conduct, finger on lips,

Like the eternal snows.


I try to pry,

To fathom difference

In this veiled cloak of another culture

But find the same

Curiosity, mirth and joy flow

Behind the veil.


Bleak mountains of the desert

Here only covered in snow,

The cloak of culture

Whatever its colour

Style or impression

All punctuated by the same

Ubiquitous sparrow

Of being,

Singing the same song,

With the same intension

Desire and mould.
